Bedding Flowers For Bees
Bedding flowers are commonly found in garden centres up and down the country. They’re often planted to add colour to gardens and attract a host of the UK’s pollinating insects.
Bedding flowers are often seasonal and can be bought as seeds, seedlings or fully-grown specimens.
Here are some of the best bedding flowers for attracting bees to your garden.

When to plant: Early autumn (from bulbs)
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Hairy-footed Flower Bees, Bumblebees

Bee Balm
When to plant: Spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Garden Bumblebees, Common Carder Bees, Wool Carder Bees

Perennial Wallflower
When to plant: Spring or summer (from semi-hardwood cuttings)
When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Red Mason Bees, Common Carder Bees, Garden Bumblebees, Bumblebees

When to plant: Early spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Honeybees, Bumblebees

When to plant: Early spring (from bulbs)
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Bumblebees, Honeybees

Winter Aconite
When to plant: Late spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Winter
Popular with: Bumblebees, Honeybees, Mining Bees
Herbs For Bees
When thinking of the plants that attract bees, herbs don’t always jump to mind. However, these plants can attract bees of all types.
Here are some herbs to attract bees to your garden, balcony or window box.

When to plant: Late Spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Bumblebees, Honeybees, Cavity Nesting Bees

When to plant: Spring
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Bumblebees, Honeybees, Cavity Nesting Bees

When to plant: Early spring (from seeds)
Popular with: Bumblebees, Honeybees, Cavity Nesting Bees

When to plant: Spring (from ready-grown plants)
When they flower: Winter – Spring
Popular with: Bumblebees, Honeybees, Cavity Nesting Bees

When to plant: Spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Bumblebees, Leafcutter Bees

When to plant: Early spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Early summer
Popular with: Bumblebees
Fruit & Veg For Bees
Fruiting plants can offer an attractive proposition for many bee species. As they feed, they will pollinate your plants, giving you a greater harvest of home-grown fruit and veg the following season.
Here are some fruiting plants that bees love.

Apple or Crabapple Tree
When to plant: Autumn (from seeds)
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Red Mason Bees, Mining Bees

Raspberry Bush
When to plant: Late autumn or early spring
When they flower: Winter
Popular with: Bumblebees

Runner Beans / Broad Beans
When to plant: Late autumn or early spring
When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Common Carder Bees

Cherry Tree
When to plant: Late autumn or early spring
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Mining Bees

When to plant: Late autumn or early spring
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Bumblebees, Mining Bees, Honeybees

When to plant: Spring, summer, autumn
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Bumblebees, Mining Bees, Honeybees

Plum Tree
When to plant: Winter or early spring
When they flower: Spring or summer
Popular with: Mining Bees
Trees & Shrubs For Bees
Flowering trees and shrubs are a great draw for many rare bee species in the UK. You may feel a little intimidated by the idea of planting trees or large shrubs introducing these plants into your garden needn’t be labour-intensive.
Choose fledgeling plants and plan when to plant them. You’ll want to avoid planting in winter and consider when they will flower.
Here are a few ideas for your garden.

Apple or Crabapple Tree
When to plant: Autumn (from seeds)
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Red Mason Bees, Mining Bees

When to plant: Autumn (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Red Mason Bees, Mining Bees

When to plant: Late spring to summer (from softwood cutting)
When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Bumblebees

When to plant: Autumn or spring (from vines)
When they flower: Winter
Popular with: Honeybees, Bumblebees

When to plant: Spring, summer, autumn
When they flower: Winter
Popular with: Honeybees, Bumblebees

Goat Willow
When to plant: Autumn (from cuttings)
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Mining Bees, Bumblebees
Wildflowers For Bees
The UK’s native bee species have evolved alongside domestic wildflowers for thousands of years. Unsurprisingly, these flowers remain some of the most irresistible items on the menu for many foraging bees.
Seeds can be easily bought and planted, and, with so many varieties available, plants of all shapes, sizes and colours can be worked into your current bed.
Here are some of the most fancied wildflowers for your garden.

Lesser Celandine
When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Winter
Popular with: Bumblebees, Mining Bees

When to plant: Spring, summer, autumn
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Hairy-footed Flower Bees, Bumblebees

Field Speedwell
When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Early spring
Popular with: Mining Bees, Bumblebees

Wood Forget-me-not
When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Cavity Nesting Bees, Mining Bees

When to plant: Late Spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Garden Bumblebees, Common Carder Bees

When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Hairy-footed Flower Bees, Bumblebees