Wildflowers For Bees

The UK’s native bee species have developed alongside our wildflowers for millennia. Naturally, these flowers continue to be among the most enticing choices for many bees.

Many of these flowering plants you can purchase and plant seeds, but you can also welcome these wildflowers into your garden naturally. Either way, these plants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours.

Here are some top wildflower picks for your garden.

Attract Bees - flower - wildflowers - bluebells


When to plant: Autumn (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflowers - clover


When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflowers - Lesser celendine

Lesser Celandine

When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: 
Popular with: Bumblebees, Mining Bees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflowers - lungwort


When to plant: Spring, summer, autumn
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Hairy-footed Flower Bees, Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflower - hellebore


When to plant: Early spring (from bulbs)
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - Speedwell

Field Speedwell

When to plant: Autumn
When they flower:
Early spring
Popular with: Mining Bees, Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - Viper bugloss

Viper’s Bugloss

When to plant: Autumn (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Bumblebees

Attract Bees - forget-me-not-forest

Wood Forget-me-not

When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Cavity Nesting Bees, Mining Bees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflower - hawthorn - foxglove


When to plant: Late Spring (from seeds)
When they flower: Summer
Popular with: Garden Bumblebees, Common Carder Bees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflowers - cowslip


When to plant: Autumn
When they flower: Spring
Popular with: Hairy-footed Flower Bees, Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - wildflower - hawthorn - dead-nettle

White Deadnettle

When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Bumblebees

Attract Bees - flower - yarrow


When they flower: Autumn
Popular with: Cavity Nesting Bees, Mining Bees