What to look for: These grey bees have small white spots on the base of their abdomen. They can also come in black with a more tapered rear.
Favourite plants: Fruit trees and shrubs, wildflowers, and herbs
Making a nest: Lays eggs in the nests of hairy-footed flower bees
When active: Spring to summer
Where seen: Across England and Wales
Common Mourning Bee
The common mourning bee is very identifiable with its grey colouring and distinctive white spots on the base of its abdomen.
Instead of the females building their own nests, these bees will invade the nests of hairy-footed flower bees and lay their own eggs. Their larvae will then eat the food the hairy-footed bee mother has collected as well as the competition
These bees prefer areas with large populations of hairy-footed flower bees and enjoy feeding from apple and cherry trees, dandelions, wallflower, rosemary, and other wildflowers, herbs and shrubs.